
amusing--Parody and satire

l   As Linda Hutcheon has argued, parody need not always be comic. However, when it is, and when it occurs within the context of a comedy, laughter is consistently produced.
l  Parody is, in fact, only one of a variety of modes available to comedy.
l  Where parody, as we have seen, draws on- and high lights- aesthetic conventions, satire draws on-and highlights- social ones.
l  Satire works to mock and attack. It uses the norms within its province as a basis against which to measure deviations. Sometimes the deviations themselves are attacked, particularly if those who deviate are those who profess to adhere to these norms most strongly. Sometimes the norms are attacked—in the name of other, less prevalent, social values.
l  Parody can be used for satirical purposes.

                          《crazy stone》 parody《missions impossible 》 to produce  laughter.     
l  Like parody and satire, slapstick is a mode of comedy, a mode that can be found in forms as diverse as the sketch, the double-act, the short, and the feature film.

