l Kristin Thompson: Each scene should be associated with its purpose, which is to say that the outline of a play should comprehend: First‘cause’ or beginning; secondly, development; third, crisis; fourth, climax or effect; fifth denouement or sequence.
Like this film,although just having 40 minutes,each scene has its purpose
l These structural ideals are not specific to comedy. The guidebook is proffering advice on general compositional principles. These principles extend beyond issues of structure. They also concern motivation: the extent to which each ‘scene’ should have a ‘purpose’, a justification, and the forms that purpose can, or should, ideally take.
l The extent to which this is so is particularly apparent in the way happy endings are handled in comedy. David Bordwell’s discussion of happy endings in Hollywood is the interference of other hands.again worth quoting here: the happy ending succeeds depends on whether it is adequately motivated.
l Screenplay manuals are dissatisfied with forced or tacked-on happy endings. Must be extricated in ‘a logical and dramatic way that brings them happiness’.
l overall,the unmotivated happy ending is a failure, resulting from lack of craft or the interference of other hands.