
definitions, genres, and forms

l  The Concise Oxford Dictionary: comedy, n, stage-play of light, amusing and often satirical character, chiefly representing everyday life, with happy ending.
l  From Aristotle on, comedy was for centuries the most appropriate genre for representing the lives, not of the ruling classes, of those with extensive power, but of the ‘middle’ and ‘ lower’ orders of society, those whose power was limited and local, and whose manners, behavior, and values were considered by their ‘ betters’ to be either trivial, or vulgar, or both.
l  The consistent generation of laughter through the multiple use of gags, funny lines, and funny situations, and, in these instances at least, the representation of lower-class characters and everyday life respectively.

There are many low-budget comedy films in China that describe unimportant people’s daily life:                                        《big movie 2》



《Luck Dog》

l  Various versions.
l  In various strands of romantic comedy, particularly those in which a melodramatic crisis is resolved by means of a happy ending.
l  A happy ending necessitates a preceding, narrative context.
 Hao Jian, 2012. The beauty and sorrow of low-budget comedy film. Bugu: CCTV. Available at: http://bugu.cntv.cn/20100122/100041.shtml  [Accessed 9 December 2012]

Yang Liu, 2010. The revelry and spoof of Chinese low-budget comedy film. Available at: http://www.doc88.com/p-993392545037.html [Accessed 12 December 2012]

