l There should be two components to the catastrophe in a comedy’s narrative structure.
l One, as we have seen already, was a peripeteia, or reversal of fortune. So in my script, in the third scene, actually Nancy’s action is failure, Rita found her action and nearly fall the milk. At this time, Susan is coming, and she want drink the milk. That is a peripeteia, or reversal of fortune.
l The other was anagnorisis, a transition from ignorance to knowledge. And this is a type of comic suspense. There are two different types: 1, suspense of anticipation; the spectator knows what is to happen, but not when or how; he follows the progress of the action and awaits with ever---increasing hope of fear the coming of the expected event; 2, suspense of uncertainty in a state of ignorance and curiosity about the later action. As for my script, I choose the second form, the spectator does not know the content of next plot, they do not know Nancy’s behavior can be found by Rita, and Susan is coming when Rita nearly fall the milk. Finally, there is a comic surprise for Nancy, Rita and audiences, that is Susan really drink the milk that is spited.