- The fact that their principal function is to be funny and thus to occasion laughter.
- It can exist only within a narrative context.
- There are a few of narrative ways in comedy films.
- The linear narrative structure and non-linear narrative.
- non-linear narrative: ring-shaped structure, The false or true-proof structure, the embedded structure,Multiple narrative.
- As for comic event, if want to apply it in a comedy script and make the film funnier.there is a better narrative structure we can use--- embedded structure. We can embedded one or more comic events in the comedy script. And this way not only can show another story, but also can so directly make funnier because the principal function of comic event is to be funny and thus to occasion laughter.
RUI, Z., 23/03/2013. the non-linear narrative in film. [online], http://wenku.baidu.com/view/fd7340d1b14e852458fb57a3.html